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Alex is an amazing business person! I've always known her to be super entrepreneurial and great at problem solving, but over the years of working with her at Showpo, it's her amazing leadership skills that has tremendously impressed me. She's a great logical thinking with a keen eye for detail. And has a great balance of left brain and right brain thinking. She's genuinely passionate about mentoring and helping others and is just a lot of fun to work with!
Jane Lu

Jane Lu

Founder & CEO at ShowpoShowpo
Alex has not only set us on the path to grow the business she has given us the impetus we needed to get it done.
Too many years were spent dipping our toes in the water without really understanding the return or making our digital agencies accountable. With Alex’s guidance we are now well focussed.
Super organised and super focussed Alex has imparted the discipline and structures we required to ensure our marketing spend was scalable for now and the future. She has mentored the marketing team and opened their eyes to a new and more efficient way to work. Her manner and engagement with the staff is a massive positive.
I cannot speak more highly of what Alex brings to the business and the ways in which she does. Her success and drive is infectious. We are happy to recommend Alex as a super successful Ecomm coach that breeds results. All of us at Mavi are indebted to have her on board.
Paul Hootman

Paul Hootman

Managing Director at Mavi AustraliaMavi
Alex Durkin’s guidance has been literally invaluable to me as a founder; I know I owe much of the success we’ve seen to her razor sharp insight and actual working knowledge.
She’s the business coach that has actually done it, not just talked about it!
If you are looking for an e-commerce mentor or coach that has experience with scaling, teams, reporting, marketing, finance, product, profitability, systems, literally everything, you couldn’t do better!
She pulled me from the mires of despair to a thriving multimillion dollar business.
If you are considering a business coach don’t hesitate. This will be the turning point in your own success story!
Congratulations Alex, what a powerhouse you are 🥂
Thank you for everything you’ve done for me and the team at Seed & Sprout

Sophie Kovic

Director/Founder at Seed & SproutSeed and Sprout
Working with Alex’s is a game changer. She is a talented multi-skilled mentor who knows her stuff.
I started working with Alex after seeing the proven success she had scaling e-comm businesses. She has walked the walk and her knowledge on all different areas of business and stages growth is invaluable.
Alex helped me prioritise my time and provided me with insight on what I should be focusing for business growth and success. With Alex’s guidance, I am thinking bigger and feel confident in taking strategy risks to get there.
Since working will Alex, not only has our revenue increased significantly but I feel as though my work life balance has improved and a large weight has come off my shoulder.
As a leader, with her guidance, I feel as though I always have someone to turn to for advice and I extremely grateful for all that you do for me and the Sylvia P Team.
Thomas Pichler

Thomas Pichler

Managing Director at Sylvia PSylvia P
Working with Alex has given structure to my business. Alex has helped implement KPI’s, offer learnings, support and guidance to our digital marketing teams along with offer myself as an owner, supporting and keeping me on track to prioritise the growth strategy.
I now have full visibility on performance. We love working with you Alex, THANK YOU!
Kirstin-Lee Keysers

Kirstin-Lee Keysers

Director at KivariKivari
Alex is one of the most well-rounded, grounded, wise and inspiring women I know.
She has been the steel rod in my back as a Founder over the past 1.5 years (especially when times are challenging - hello 2020 you little minx).
She knows just how hard to push to challenge me, but also she is my greatest cheerleader.
I feel blessed to have her in my life not just as my business coach and mentor, but as a dear friend.
Carly Brown

Carly Brown

Founder at Une PieceUne Piece
WOW, working with Alex over the last 3 months has transformed my business!
I have worked in and on my business Francesca Jewellery for the last 7 years and have been missing some key structure which was holding us back. Since working with Alex, not only am i more confident and excited to scale my business but i now know with the help of her, the foundations are in place to do this successfully!
To anyone needing an all round approach which WORKS to scale your business fast, Alex is your person! She is patient, diligent and highly knowledgeable! Thanks for setting us up for years of success to come!
Hannah Vasicek

Hannah Vasicek

CEO / Founder at FrancescaFrancesca

Get ready to prioritise growth and feel momentum - WITHOUT having to work longer hours or sacrifice profit.

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